Moodle用プラグインを作る(capabilities追加) 勉強編


ブロックに使用するdb/access.php(DB用PHP)について、Moodle DocのNEWMODULE Adding capabilitiesに記述されています。(やっぱり英語ですが。。。)



項目 意訳 内容
1. Create a file access.php in the <<NEWMODULE>>>>/db directory <<新しいMOODLE>>/dbディレクトリにaccess.phpファイルを作成 access.php内のcapabilities定義例
 1.1 Capability name (‘mod/<<NEWMODULE>>:<<CAPABILITYNAME>>) Capability名(mod/<<新しいMOODLE>>:<<Capability名>> capabilitiesの連想配列(キー)mod/<<NEWMODULE>>:<<CAPABILITYNAME>>について
 1.2 riskbitmask riskbitmask capabilityの設定値
 1.3 captype captype captypeの設定値
 1.4 contextlevel contextlevel contextlevelの設定値
 1.5 archetypes archetypes archetypesの設定値
2. Get Moodle to load the updated capabilities 更新されたcapabilitiesをMoodleにロード
3. Checking the capability in your code コードのcapabilityをチェック
 3.1 Useful variations 役に立つバリエーション
  3.1.1 Controlling overall access to a script スクリプトへの全体的なアクセスを制御
  3.1.2 Getting a list of users with a capability capabilityによってユーザーの一覧を取得
  3.1.3 Checking the permissions of another user 他のユーザーの権限をチェック
  3.1.4 Excluding administrators 管理者を除く
  3.1.5 Performance considerations パフォーマンス考慮
4 See also 関連項目

1 <<新しいMOODLE>>/dbディレクトリにaccess.phpファイルを作成


$capabilities = array(
    'mod/<<NEWMODULE>>:<<CAPABILITYNAME>>' => array(
        'riskbitmask'  => RISK_SPAM | RISK_PERSONAL | RISK_XSS | RISK_CONFIG,
        'captype'      => 'write',
        'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE,
        'archetypes'   => array(
            'student'        => CAP_ALLOW,
            'teacher'        => CAP_ALLOW,
            'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
            'manager'          => CAP_ALLOW
    // Add more capabilities here ...


 1.1 Capability名(mod/<<新しいMOODLE>>:<<Capability名>>


 1.2 riskbitmask







 1.3 captype


 1.4 contextlevel



 1.5 archetypes







2. Get Moodle to load the updated capabilities

The capabilities you defined are only read (and copied into the Moodle database) when your module is installed or upgraded. So every time you edit the db/access.php file you must

1.Increase your module’s version number by editing the file mod/<>/version.php.
2.Go to the the Administration ► Notifications page, and click through the steps to let Moodle upgrade itself. You should see the name of your module in one of the steps.

3. Checking the capability in your code

In order to check whether the current user has a particular capability, you need to use the has_capability function. To do that, first you have to get the appropriate context. In this case, it will be a module context.

1. First we need to get the $cm id, and verify that it is correct (there are lots of different ways you might do this, this is only an example.

$cmid = required_param('cmid', PARAM_INT);
if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('<<NEWMODULE>>', $cmid)) {
    error("Course module ID was incorrect");

2. Then you get the module context:

$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);

3. Finally, you can actually check the permission

if (has_capability('mod/<<NEWMODULE>>:<<CAPABILITYNAME>>', $context)) {

Normally, you do 1. and 2. once at the top of a script, and then call has_capability as needed within the script with the appropriate capabilities.

 3.1 Useful variations
  3.1.1 Controlling overall access to a script

Suppose you have a page that should only be available to users with a particular capability. For example, only users with mod/quiz:viewreports should be able to access mod/quiz/report.php. In cases like this, you can use the require_capability function:

require_capability($capability, $context);

near the top of your script. (As soon as you have got the context and called require_login is a good time.) All this does internally is

if (!has_capability($capability, $context)) {
    // Display error and exit.

but using require_capability makes your code simpler and is recommended. (Of course, anywhere you might print a link to a page like this, you should only print the link if the user has the right capability.)

  3.1.2 Getting a list of users with a capability

Suppose you need to get a list of all the users with a particular capability. (For example, the quiz reports list all the users with the mod/quiz:attempt capability. Then you can use the get_users_by_capability function.

  3.1.3 Checking the permissions of another user

There is an optional 3rd parameter to has_capability that you can use to check another user’s permissions:

has_capability($capability, $context, $otheruser->id);

  3.1.4 Excluding administrators

Administrators have a magic ‘moodle/site:doanything’ capability that gives them every other capability. If you wish to disable that magic override for one particular capability check, you can use the optional 4th parameter to has capability:

has_capability($capability, $context, NULL, false);

However, you normally should not do this.

  3.1.5 Performance considerations

The has_capability function has been carefully optimised, and is pretty fast and you should not really worry. However, it has to perform a fairly complex computation, and if you are going to make exactly the same has_capability call several times in a page (perhaps in a loop) it is probably worth moving the permission check outside the loop. For example don’t do:

foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
    if (has_capability('mod/quiz:viewreports', $context)) {
        // ...

Instead do

$canviewreports = has_capability('mod/quiz:viewreports', $context);
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
    if ($canviewreports) {
        // ...

get_users_by_capability is a very expensive computation. If you are calling it more than once in your script, you are probably doing something wrong 😉

4 See also

Access API
Hardening_new_Roles_system – information about risks
NEWMODULE_Documentation – NEWMODULE Documentation front page

